Today the day for Lutherstadt-Wittenberg, not to see Martin Luther but his friend, painter and printer Lucas Cranach. I had a choice of two trains: the Regional 08:11, which takes an hour and four minutes, or the later Intercity Express (ICE), taking half the time but at almost twice the price.
I chose the slow train, not just to save €8.00 but also as a dry run for my 08:00 train to Dessau tomorrow. But I thought I would treat myself to the ICE for the return journey.
When I'd finished in Wittenberg I walked the kilometre or so back to the station and was pleased to find that there would be a 14:35 ICE as expected (I knew there was a 15:35). But when I went to buy the ticket I was told that the 14:35 would go now via Halle not Leipzig, so that my only option is another slow train, arriving 45 minutes later than I'd anticipated.
So here I am, chugging along, stopping at every little station in Saxony.