Invested heavily in an Apple World Travel Adapter Kit, for charging the iPhone. But I'm now fairly certain I'm going to take it back: I find that Apple have recently (last month?) introduced a tiny continental power adapter – complementing the small UK plug with USB socket that came with the phone – which is exactly what I wanted all along. Unfortunately there is no way for me to buy one in the UK! I called the Apple Store who said that if I tried to buy from, say, Italy, I would need to have an Italian billing address. I will talk to my nearest physical store to see if they can get one for me, but I don't hold out much hope. Sent a comment to Apple Feedback suggesting things like this should be available through all the national stores.
Scanned and adjusted maps for all my cities, to carry with me on the iPhone. Ended up with 18 files to which I will add the location of hotels, highlight the main attractions, and add anything else that may make it easier to get around. But after carefully sizing them to be a multiple of the iPhone's screen resolution (so they will zoom well), saving them as JPGs and transferring to the iPhone through iTunes, I find they are pretty poor quality when zooming in. Someone on the Apple forums pointed out that images are 'resized' to twice the screen size during copying, even if they're that size already. Pah! Clearly if they're line art they lose a lot in the process.
The trick is to copy them unmolested using a file-transfer app – I've now installed Files Lite, which has a good full-screen image viewer and is perfect for my maps. I already have DocumentsToGo, which I forgot can handle JPGs, but it leaves bars obscuring part of the image, and won't scroll diagonally. Files shows the image filename, which the iPhone photo viewer doesn't (tricky for maps because all the thumbnails look the same).
I hope it's all worth it; the transport unions seem quite keen on striking at the moment.